Development of Probiotic Enriched Frozen Ice Cream Cake

Authors: Suchismita Ghosh, Arpita Mitra, Soumitra Banerjee*


Frozen creamy cake is one of the newest type Bakery product. In this bakery product sour yoghurt was used as an emulsifier instead of egg and it was also used for supplementation of probiotic cultures. The cake was prepared by foaming method of mixing. In the preparation of frozen cream date extract was used as sugar substitute to enrich the cream with mineral and anti oxidant content. The creamy frozen cream was sandwiched between two probiotic cake layer and frozen in a plate freezer at plate temperature of -135o C. The fully frozen mass after 45 minutes of freezing was taken out of the freezer and wrapped with aluminum foil and put inside deep freezer to harden the frozen block of cake

Keywords: Emulsifier, Stabilizer, Foaming method, over run, Probiotic cultures, Sensory evaluation

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