There is a genetic variation happened “Single nucleotide polymorphisms”, or “SNPs,” in human then it’s tended to be constitutional variations found in germ cells and other tissues that differ from specific polymorphic regions of Nucleotide position. (adenine, thymine, uracil, cytosine, and guanine) in the genetic monitor track sequence. Concession variants, on the other hand, set up 1% of the population wherein the whole genome possesses been duplicated or deleted, replacing one nucleotide in the DNA structure block with another concession variant. Copy number variations (CNVs) occur when a full gene and other significant portion of DNA has been duplicated or deleted. SNPs are generally different from CNVs. We've been able developed the usage of "The UCSC Genome Browser”, a publicly available genome cyber-surfer hosted by the University of California, Santa Cruz" (UCSC) for SNP in order to find this variation number. The Bioinformatics department at the UCSC Genome website allows users to set up the Genome Browser Database, browser instruments, download data lines of code, and documentation attestation. The interactive website that provides access to genomic sequence data from many invertebrates, vertebrates, brute species, and key model animals is combined with a sizable collection of aligned annotations that show the methods used to identify SNPs. Using the previously UCSC Genome Browser, a sophisticated online resource for quick and dependable where it show the presentation of any requested genome segment at any scale along with a number of aligned annotations that rapid-fire and dependable representation of any relevant segment of the genome and have together annotations the reflection pathways, researcher scholar has the ability to identify all the SNPs in a gene related to endometrial cancer of has been used as these cross-species homologies, single nucleotide polymorphisms, multiple gene predictions, and cyber-surfer alignments are found here. This cyber-surfer may be used to visualize a multitude of coregistered tracks, including radiation damage data, transposon reprises, multiple gene prognostications, mRNA and expressed sequence label alignments, single nucleotide, sequence-tagged locations, and more. Based on the MySQL database, the widely used Web application UCSC Genome and Table Browser ( lets you explore a specific variation region of a genome together with several mutation that aligned annotations, or "tracks." A broad variety of data may be annotated, generated, and shown by genes prediction, mRNA and expressed sequence tag alignments (EST), etc., as well as basic single or multiple nucleotide polymorphisms, expression and regulatory data, pairwise and multiple-species alignment BLAST that relates to genomics data, genetic and variance information and more, every one of which is carried out by the UCSC The genome Bioinformatics Group and its external partners. Every individual can add custom data for academic reasons.
Keywords: Genome browser and Table browser, UCSC ,Endometrial Cancer genome analysis, in-silico analysis, Bioinformatics, Human Genetic variation, comparative genomics, rs numbers, The Biological Databases, BLATcopyright@2025 | Techno India University, West Bengal | All rights reserved